VISION 2020: The Right to Sight – INDIA’s activities are based on the strategic plan developed to provide direction for achieving the set goal of eliminating the main causes of avoidable blindness.
The strategic plan is to be reviewed in five years. In 2014, a midterm evaluation was carried by an external agent.
The strategic plan is in line with our mission, aims and strategic approach and all our activities are under the four broad overarching areas as defined in the strategic plan:
Advocacy is central to About VISION 2020: The Right to Sight INDIA activities and strategy. We work in close collaboration with the government’s national blindness control programme (NPCB). The NPCB make the policies that govern the community work to make eye care accessible to all in the country. We represent the voice of eye care institutions who work on not-for-profit mode, who are our members, to the policy makers at the central ministry.
For advocacy, we focus on:
As a part of advocacy particularly at state level, the state action plans are developed as requested by the health ministry of the state government.
Organisation Development under our strategic plan pertains to sustainability and growth of our organisation. This relates to not just the Secretariat that facilitates the implementation of all VISION 2020 – INDIA activities but also that of our member organisations.
The activities under this are:
Quality is an integral part of VISION 2020: The Right to Sight – INDIA’s objectives and we believe that all of our member hospitals should adhere to the minimum level of quality. Providing quality care will not just ensure that more patients return to you and increase word of mouth publicity but will also help your hospital in cutting costs and working more effectively and efficiently.
Skill enhancement is inevitable in any cadre of service providers to be able to treat all patients ensuring quality and good outcomes. In our recently conducted Google survey, 71% of member institutions felt the need of further enhancement of their existing skills in both clinical and non-clinical cadre.
VISION 2020 India envisages that member institutions optimise their resources, service delivery performance, human resources, and service coverage with sustainable efforts. This is supported by our recent survey as 77% of the hospitals requested for this program. Only the long-term planning can help understand the optimal utilisation issue.